End the Fight with Food and Your Body for Effortless Eating and Mental Peace 

Food Freedom Fundamentals

Food Freedom Fundamentals is a self-paced, virtual education course combining lessons and worksheets to change the way you think about food and your body + action steps to help you integrate concepts into your “real life.”

What's Included in Food Freedom Fundamentals:

Access to Ryann Nicole’s 5 Step Framework for Healing Your Relationship With Food

 A Custom Digital Workbook, Serving as Your Master Resource for What You Learn

A Resource Vault Packed With Tools and Skills for You To Use To Manage Challenging Days

12 Guest Expert Lesson Recordings for even more learning  

Access to All of the Lessons on a Private Podcast for a More Convenient Way To Absorb the Coursework

Access To An Exclusive Online Community for 6 Months




3 and 6mo payment plans available


tier 1: SELF-STUDY

Choose Your Plan

Coursework + Resource Vault 
Private Podcast
Custom Digital Workbook
Private Online Community
12 Guest Expert Lessons

3 Live Q&A Calls with Registered Dietitian Lisa

6 Monthly Written Q&A with Registered Dietitian Lisa

6 Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Ryann Nicole

Coursework + Resource Vault 
Private Podcast
Custom Digital Workbook
Private Online Community 
12 Guest Expert Lessons

Monthly Live Coaching Calls with Ryann For 6 Months

Food Freedom Fundamentals will take you from a chaotic relationship with food to…


Is this you? 

“I avoid foods like chips, cookies, candy, etc. because I know that once I start, I won’t be able to stop. The thought of having these foods in the house terrifies me.”

“I can’t share food; I panic that there won’t be enough for me and become extremely possessive.”

“Half the time I’m doing fine… then I find myself literally eating cold leftover pasta with my hands standing at the fridge, and I have no idea how I got here.”

I’m constantly thinking about my next meal, even while I’m eating. Food and when I can eat again is always on my mind.”

Believe me, I UNDERSTAND. 

I felt this for years before I finally threw in the towel and said, “I’m done — there has to be a better way to live.” 

And when I let go (like I really meant it), I became that person who can just eat and have it not be a big deal. No longer was I meticulously counting every morsel of food that went into my mouth during the day, only to end up devouring an entire box of Oreos by myself later that evening.

I designed Food Freedom Fundamentals as not only a licensed therapist but as someone who was chained to the diet-binge life for years and broke free. Now, I’m here to guide you on your journey to liberation. 

Food freedom fundamentals

The Course Curriculumn

A Look Inside The 5 Core Modules 

Module One


Discover the steps to end physical restriction and make food choices that promote your overall well-being, both physically and mentally. 

Learn how to make food choices without relying on “rules” or “counting” – in other words, how to eat effortlessly and tune in to your body’s cues

Gain a clear understanding of what “trust your body” means, especially when it feels like the scariest thing ever

Identify the main driver of out-of-control eating and discover how to prevent it 

Understand why resisting food often results in consuming more, and learn how to navigate this paradoxical situation


Shift your perspective on food to free yourself from its constant hold on every decision you make in your life.

Learn the difference between not buying food so you don’t eat it and “I totally forgot I had that in the pantry” 

Delve into the reasons why individuals still struggle with feeling out of control around food even after they've stopped restricting. A tip: It's not just about eating more; mindset plays a crucial role

Discover strategies to silence the inner critic in your head that constantly comments on your food choices and negatively affects your body image

Gain insight into why relinquishing control over your food can lead to long-term improvements in your health

Module One


Gain a comprehensive understanding of managing and regulating emotions without resorting to emotional eating, recognizing your true emotional needs.

Gain insight into why you logically know what to do to help yourself feel better, but why you aren’t doing it

Learn how to address the root causes of emotional eating without spiraling into uncontrolled eating

Explore alternative viewpoints on emotional eating that will transform your approach to handling emotional triggers

Develop a plan to enhance your emotional coping skills because, spoiler alert, challenging emotions are a part of life, and they won't disappear

Module One

Body Respect

Learn effective methods to release body shame and how to cultivate a genuine appreciation for your body.

Recognize that changing how you think about your body is the only path to achieving lasting changes in your relationship with food

Discover the most important skill you need to feel better about your body, even if you want to change it.

Understand that “feeling fat" is a defense mechanism and why identifying this psychological safeguard can pave the way to breaking free from it

Explore "practical" methods to shift your perception of your body and grasp why it's not essential to love your body but crucial to learn how to respect it to transform your feelings toward it

Module One

Additive Nutrition

Discover how to make healthy decisions that truly benefit you, rather than leaving you feeling obsessive, binge-y, and at war with your body.

Learn to distinguish weight from health, a crucial step in establishing sustainable habits that will enhance your long-term well-being

Redefine health as a self-serving concept, freeing yourself from the perpetual feeling of inadequacy and obsession

Discover why the pursuit of health can often trigger uncontrolled eating in individuals with dieting backgrounds and how to prevent this slippery slope

Develop resilience in a world that incessantly promotes weight loss, ensuring you don't fall back into old behaviors

Module One


Not an online course person? 
What if it was on a podcast?

Introducing Your personalized podcast experience! Embrace the convenience you deserve with our freshly added feature – Food Freedom Fundamentals, now at your fingertips as a private podcast. 

Transform your daily routines into moments of self-improvement as you absorb invaluable lessons while strolling, driving, or even tackling household chores! Dive into the world of effortless learning tailored just for you.

Food freedom fundamentals

Food Freedom Fundamentals is about more than ending the out-of-control eating.

It’s about getting to a place where you’re… 

Able to coexist with ice cream, chips, and bread in your house without completely losing your sh*t

Googling something other than “how to lose weight fast” or “how many calories are in x” in your spare time

So excited by your dinner companion that you didn’t even notice the chips and salsa basket dropped in front of you

No longer evaluating your worth based on how much larger or smaller you are than the people you're with  

Take The Leap Completely Risk-Free!

I understand that diving into an online course from someone you discovered on the internet can be intimidating. However, I am so confident in the value of my proven framework and strategies that I guarantee:


money back guarantee

If you would like to request a refund, email hello@itsryannnicole.com with:  
  • Date of Purchase  
  • Proof that you have completed the Foundation Lessons and Step One. 
  • Your completed worksheets from the Foundation Lessons and Step One.  
  • Proof you have joined the Community Chat on Circle for those full 14 days.   

If, after following these steps, you still feel that FFF isn't the right fit for you, don't worry! We'll promptly issue a refund without any questions. Your satisfaction is our priority.

FFF is For You If: 

You’re prepared to make a change but need a little more guidance and support to do so.

You are looking for a community to accompany you on your journey so you don’t have to do this alone.

You’re ready to adopt health-promoting behaviors that will have a positive impact on your well-being.

FFF is NOT For You If: 

You want an intentional weight loss program or something that will give you a “quick fix.” 

You have an active eating disorder and are not receiving support from other professionals (e.g., therapist, psychiatrist, dietitian).

You are not ready to give up destructive behaviors harming your well-being. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the coursework? 

You will have lifetime access to the coursework. 

What if I have weight loss goals? 

While you're free to set your own goals, please note that our programs prioritize mental health and well-being over weight loss objectives. These courses are designed to enhance your sanity and overall wellness.

Do either courses include live work with you? 

Food Freedom Fundamentals does not incorporate live sessions with me, except for providing live responses to your questions and posts within our community. If you're interested in engaging with me in a live capacity, please explore our coaching options here.

What if I have an eating disorder?

Neither The Hunger and Fullness Masterclass nor Food Freedom Fundamentals should replace clinical treatment for eating disorders or any mental or physical illnesses. If you have concerns about your health or safety, especially if you're clinically underweight or engage in purging behaviors, consult a licensed mental health professional or physician immediately.

Reach out to hello@itsryannicole.com for personalized guidance. If you're diagnosed with a restrictive eating disorder or are in treatment, consult your treatment team before enrolling to determine the program's suitability.

What if I have medical restrictions around food?

Neither The Hunger and Fullness Masterclass nor Food Freedom Fundamentals offers meal plans. Our focus is on improving your mental and emotional relationship with food, enabling you to make informed health choices without the interference of diet mentality. If you have specific dietary requirements prescribed by a healthcare professional, our program will not interfere with those recommendations.

What if I don't live in the country?

The coursework is entirely virtual and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

What if this course doesn’t work for me? 

For detailed refund policies, please refer to the program-specific page on our website.