November 11, 2020
I’m a recovered binge eater who changed the story from something that happened to me to something that happened for me. Now, I’m a licensed therapist teaching you to do the same.
My mission? To help you ditch food stress and live your life with mental peace and freedom every single day!
📲 Instagram: @natalie_linan
🖥 Website:
I am so excited you guys. Today I have Natalie here with me. She is our second guest and we’ve been chatting about this episode for, I don’t know, what is it, Ben, like two or three weeks? So I’m so excited today to talk to her and I’m so thankful that she came on to chat with me.
Hi, how are you?
Good. So for anybody that doesn’t know you, kind of tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do.
Yeah, so growing up I was always pretty overweight as a child and then it wasn’t until about the end of high school I really wanted to change my level of confidence. I wanted to be those girls on Instagram but that was the completely and all of that. I posted all of my journey through social media and I got a lot of feedback from it. And then through the ups and downs of realizing why I was doing what I was doing, I just became who I am today. And that is just someone who wants to be here and helping those getting started, but the right way.
I love that. I love that. And you have your own coaching business now, right? Or starting it? I do.
Yeah, yeah. So I just finished my website. So it’s basically, people can go on there and they can read the different articles that I put of things that I did, whether it was nutrition, fitness, mental health. And then if they want to schedule an appointment with me, they can do that. And we’ll just kind of guide them to their goals.
What I love about you is that you have the fitness side, but you also have the mental stuff as well. And I feel like both go hand in hand so much. And I feel like there’s definitely a disconnect between the people that are so hardcore fitness, but don’t necessarily touch on a lot of mindset and mental health and that kind of stuff. And then on the other side, there are the people that are all about mental health, but don’t necessarily like mix in fitness. So what I love about you is that you take in both sides and you’re kind of just like hitting all of the things to just create this like happy life.
I love you for saying that. Thank you, because I take such pride in the mental health side of it and then also keeping your body healthy. So like you were saying, the fitness side of things. I mean, when I went through, I would say my black hole of mental health, I asked my parents, one day I go, why do more people not talk about this? This is so common. I have conversations with people all the time that struggle with this daily and don’t know how to find resources. And so that’s where I was like, okay, you know what? I love to work out. I went through my own battle with depression and all of that. Let’s mix it together and show people that you can do both.
Yeah. So, from the beginning, I wanna know more about you. Like, what was it like, you said, you grew up kind of overweight, so what was it like, you know, your childhood, and then what do you feel like was kind of the turning point that you decided, okay, I wanna make a change?
Yeah, so growing up, I honestly, I had a great childhood. My parents are very loving. I had a sister. Um, they mentioned to me when I was younger, I just, I couldn’t put down the fork and I loved carbs and no one was going to tell me otherwise. I feel you. I feel you. So my weight got pretty out of control. And so at 16 years old, I was 200 pounds. And then it wasn’t until about 17 years old. I was a junior senior in high school that I just woke up one day and I was like, I’m tired of this. I’m so tired of all my friends being smaller than me, of us not being able to share clothes, like the little things. And then it turned into something bigger with wanting to make an impact.
And then what did you do from there?
I first started out with going to the gym. So I didn’t really know how to eat healthy yet. So I was in the gym every day and when I say the gym every day I mean I’m going at like 2 a.m. to teach myself how to use the machines so I could have a reasonable hour during the day and not feel self-conscious. So those were like the beginning stages because I wanted to feel comfortable and then when I started getting more into fitness I wanted to try different types so I got in a CrossFit and that’s where my life changed. I fell in love with weights. I fell in love with feeling strong and powerful.
And it was a competition with myself constantly. And I liked that feeling. And then I was like, wow, I’m seeing muscle. I wanna see it more. Let’s mix in nutrition. And so that’s when everything, my body just started to transform into what I would say it is now. And with you making this major transition and obviously losing a lot of weight, I mean, what did that look like for you? Like, especially from a mindset perspective, I’m sure you got a lot of positive reinforcement. I did, I definitely did.
People saw my everyday kind of people in my life. They saw the changes that were happening to my body, but when they became more drastic and when I really cut back on food, which was very unhealthy at the time, but I was kind of just obsessed with doing that. I came out of that, but I was getting this feedback and it was so positive, but inside I knew I was so unhealthy because I wasn’t consuming anything, but the results were there.
So people just didn’t know that background. So it was hard to kind of mix in, okay, I’m getting these compliments, but I know I’m not doing it right. Am I cheating? And so it was going back and forth. And so that’s when my mental health really went downhill. And then I had to take a step back and really ask myself what’s worth it, taking it slower and seeing the results or doing it drastic and unhealthy.
Yeah, yeah. I think it’s so tough when we make these changes, especially in regards to our weight, not to have it go into that kind of unhealthy realm when it’s like, okay, wow, like, I’m getting all of these positive compliments. And like, I’m getting so much attention now and all this praise. And especially, you know, you talked about on Instagram and social media and kind of posting your journey, I’m sure you got positive reinforcement there as well. And I feel like that is what kind of plays tricks on our minds where it’s like, okay, this is this is what I should be doing, or maybe I should take it a step further. And then it gets to this point of like never being enough.
It’s so true. Oh my gosh, social media was the main thing that drove me into that state of mind because if people were commenting on that photo now is that small, what if I got even smaller? Who would reach out then? And I was so focused on the attention that I completely lost myself.
I feel that. I mean, I was totally there as well, one point in my life. And I think that really, it comes down to this, this idea that when we connect our worth to something that is external.
And so in this circumstance for you and a lot of people, and I did it as well, when we connected to our weight or size, we get into this mind frame of just like more, what can I do next? What can I take it to the next level? And this idea of just like, I always need more and never appreciating kind of where we are. And that’s why I feel like it’s so important to bring in the mental health piece because if it is just fitness, then there is this battle of like, well, I could be fitter or stronger or smaller or…
Totally. When I worked in fitness, because I worked at a 24-hour fitness and then also a couple other gyms in the meantime, the most fit people I knew that would walk through those doors, the people that go twice a day, I mean, they had some serious issues. And obviously, they compensated with that, with working out, but they just never really took the time to sit back, maybe not work out and realize what’s going on in their actual mind. And that’s where I want to bring awareness is just like these people, these girls who go, I want Kylie Jenner’s body, but they don’t realize they need to get healthy in the head first.
Yeah, yeah. I think that that’s so huge. I mean, it drives me crazy when I see these shows online, these like, you know, the biggest loser and the extreme weight loss and, and I don’t want to make any assumptions because I don’t know what they do not show, but I just wish that they had a little bit more of a therapy component. Feel like there is a part of us that, that loves food and loves to eat. But I also feel Like, you know, there’s a reason as well why we turn to food as a way to kind of cope and it and a way to kind of just like handle life. And it’s something that we learn. And it’s all connected. Totally. So in the beginning in this beginning journey for you when you kind of started to change your life, did you face any like, major mental barriers or roadblocks that you had to overcome like, I can’t do this?
Yes and no. I would say my personality is if I kind of stick to something, I’m pretty focused. But one thing was, I really do love food. I can’t even lie about that. It was going out to restaurants and it’s so easy to give up. But when you see the bigger thing down the line. I mean, I wanted it so bad. And especially with just like my life growing and the people I was meeting through the fitness life, I felt this obligation to stick to it. And I loved it. I was obsessed with it. And so the main thing was being around people who I guess you could say were more fit than me. It was hard not to sink into, well, I’m not good enough or all of those kinds of thoughts.
So throughout this journey you just posted a video where you kind of talked about you changing and then you getting into this unhealthy mindset and then everything kind of changed when you went on this skydiving adventure. So tell me about that because I’m so curious.
Oh my god I recommend not to everybody. So um I was at a very low place in my life. I wasn’t eating at all and it was just bad. And so, one day, I was like, you know what? I’ve always wanted to go skydiving. And at that point, I had just gotten out of a relationship, so I was also just not very good. And so, I go, you know, if I go skydiving and something goes wrong, at least I want to go out with a view. And the only place that would do ocean side skydiving was in L.A. And so, I was like, you know what? I’m just, I’m gonna do it.
And so I bought my ticket and I went straight down to LA and I went skydiving. And the guy, I told him the reason, my tandem jumper, I told him the reason why I was down there. And so when we jumped out of the plane, he goes, hey, like all or nothing. And I was like, okay, let’s do it, whatever you want. And so when we jumped out, he had us do two back flips in the air and then he guided us over the ocean and then we came back around and it was at sunset. And I just, I took in every single moment with it, especially the plane ride up, because that’s the longest part of the whole thing. And it was just, it cleared everything for me. I asked myself why I was even living, why I was doing any of this, why was I even losing weight?
Because I had already been past the point of getting the weight off that I wanted. And so when I went skydiving, I was like, you know what, like, this is what life is supposed to be. It’s supposed to be experience, feeling, and right now, not having any food in my body and nothing that makes me happy. I feel dead inside. I feel like every day is meshing into the next one. And so after I went skydiving, I realized what I’m doing all of this for. And that is to live a healthier life and to just live a good life.
Yeah, I mean, at the end of the day, right, that’s what it’s all about. That’s why we should be in the gym. That’s why we should be working out and taking care of our bodies is for more life, for what we can do outside of the gym, outside of the treadmill and the weights and, you know, these walls. It’s about what we do out there. And I feel like that just gets missed so many times that it’s about the aesthetics, but it’s so much more than the aesthetic.
100%. And I mean, that trip really kick-started a whole new outlook on fitness with me. I mean, I stopped going to the gym more and more and going outside and doing things that were active in other ways that made me feel like I was alive, but also I was doing what I loved, which was fitness. And so either that was hiking or I would always take myself on a solo day every single Thursday night and just living my life more. You know, I felt alive.
I feel like I’ve kind of experienced that as well too. I live in Jackson, Wyoming now, and I used to live in San Diego and through trying to kind of get this appreciation of my body and trying to boost my body image. What I found that’s really helped me is to do things that make me appreciate my body like hiking and being like, oh my gosh, like I’m at this incredible place right now. And like my legs brought me here and like nobody else can see this spot right now unless their legs bring them here. And it just like, it sounds so silly to say out loud, but like, it’s about, like, it just blows my mind. And then it’s like, why do I care that I’m this size or that my legs touch or that, you know, my legs are bigger than my boyfriend’s or, you know, all this stuff that doesn’t matter.
I love that you said that, cause it’s so true. Like when you hike and you finally get to this end point where it’s just beautiful, where you can finally turn around, just looking around and being like, wow, this is a beautiful place. Like just the earth in general. Like I loved hiking for that reason. I felt so one with everything. And it was cool. I could talk to myself out loud and just get the stress out.
For sure. For sure. Definitely such a good release. So on that kind of like body image topic, how do you feel like your body image has changed throughout your entire journey? Like where you started, kind of that lower place and then now where you’re at.
It’s definitely an up and down. It’s a roller coaster sometimes because we can have confidence, but you know, sometimes we wanna work harder to maybe get a little more toned or anything like that. So I definitely have the days where I feel bigger, but I also generally, I love who I am because I know that if someone looks at me and they don’t like the way that I look, they know nothing about me. Right. So I have a conversation with someone, they always go, wow, like I didn’t know you were gonna be like that or anything. And so that’s what always brings me back to my center, when people say like your personality, the way that you think.
And so that’s why I’m like, the body never matters. It’s always the mind. Yeah, of course we have our days where we feel a little bloated or the days that we feel heavy. Who doesn’t, you know what I mean?
I love that you kind of just like bring it back to reality because I feel like, you know, I love this body positivity movement that’s going on right now. I think that it’s phenomenal that so many girls are getting on there and just showing like the real true side of who they are and whatever but I feel like sometimes it’s hard to look at those photos and and almost feel guilty for having kind of like a bad body image day or just having a day where it’s like I Just like don’t feel great and I it’s not that I hate my body, but I just, I don’t know. It’s just, I don’t love it today.
And is that the worst thing in the world? And being able to recognize that and being like, okay, well, I don’t need to love everything, but can I get to this place of like neutrality? And so that’s kind of like my perspective and my ideal is that sometimes it is so hard to love everything. But maybe coming to this point of just like accepting what it is and accepting, okay, well, I don’t love that I’m bloated, but I’m gonna accept it. And I don’t love, you know, that my jeans feel a little bit tighter today because I just worked out, but I’m gonna accept it and being okay with that.
It is totally acceptance, it really is. And you know, I get on myself all the time for something like that, because my big thing on Instagram is confidence and motivation and being okay with your body. And the days that I don’t feel good about myself, I do feel guilty. I’m like, why am I preaching to these men and women out there when I just woke up today and I don’t like the way that I look? But you have to circle back around. I mean, it’s not always a hundred percent in life.
You know, you can have everything, but still feel like you have nothing. And so it really comes back to like the way that you think and how you actually work on yourself on the other things. Like for me, I journal, I go and I look at, look out views over the ocean to just really clear my mind and come back to my center. And it works every single time. So for like confidence boosters or anything like that, there’s a way that I deal with it. So I don’t feel like that every day. You have to put the work in.
Definitely. I mean, I don’t think that it’s something that just goes away and it’s you have to actively be doing it, especially in the world that we live in today when we’re blasted with things all day long, but I love that you talk about journaling. I think that it’s such an underrated skill and I know for me, like the thing with journaling is that there’s this expectation that you’re gonna sit down and you’re gonna journal like all these pages and it’s just gonna like flow out and whatever. But a lot of times we sit down and it’s like either so overwhelming in our head that it’s like, where do I even begin? Or if you’re anything like me, you’re like such a perfectionist that you’re like, okay, how am I gonna structure? And so, I really try to break it down and be like, okay, I am going to just bullet it out. Whatever thought comes into my mind, put it out there. And sometimes it’s just as simple as like getting it out on paper that helps just like relieve our mind of whatever’s going on.
Yes, I totally agree. I mean, when I can actually read back what I wrote, I’ll ask myself, why was I even worrying about that? Or if it has to do with like confidence or anything, if I don’t feel confident anymore, I always ask myself, if I’m not confident in myself, why would anybody else be confident in me that I could accomplish something? So I’m like, you know what? 100% take a risk on you, because no one else is unless you do it first.
I love that you say, or you talk about the idea of just having this feeling of not being confident and then preaching about confidence and feeling kind of like, you know, what am I doing if I’m not feeling this and I’m preaching that you should be confident and I love that because I think that that just shows the reality of being human. And I think that is what needs to be shown on there. And I feel that way too sometimes I’m like, Oh my gosh, I feel like this is not case today and I’m like, what?
But at the end of the day, so refreshing to be with people that just are able to accept that things are great and sometimes they’re not. And just showing them how you navigate through that. So how do you navigate through that? Like on days where you’re not feeling confident, other than kind of like journaling and ocean, like what other things do you do? Especially, I would say working in the fitness world. I mean, the fitness world is so competitive.
I would say some things that I do would be, it’s hard because I do have a busy life. I work a nine to five, so I don’t really have the time to dwell too much. So I always think, okay, you know what? Today’s might not be the best day, but tomorrow I can hope for better. And then also I do on the days that I feel bigger or less confident, I make sure I do things that I know are healthy. So I know I’m taking the steps to feel better. So like, so then maybe the next day I wake up and I go, okay, I’m on the right track. Maybe I’m not the weight I wanna be right now, but I’m working towards what I want. And so it’s more just looking at the light at the end of the tunnel instead of just not letting the tunnel crumble upon you.
Yeah, definitely. So tell me about your coaching. Like what do you do? Like, what does that look like? If someone is coming to talk to you about coaching, talk to you about changing their life, what do you have to offer?
Yeah, so I actually had a call this morning with a girl and she’s awesome. She originally reached out to me just saying, hey, you know what, we kind of have the same story. I feel overweight. I feel like my mental health is not there. And so I asked her, like our first call, I go, tell me everything. Tell me how you’re feeling, all different aspects of your life, where you feel like you’re not at. And then I finally asked her, okay, you just laid everything out, but if you had to pick one thing that is very important for you to fix right now, what is that? And for her, it was her weight. So right now we’re taking it slow.
So today’s call was all about fitness and what she did last week with the expectations that I set for her to try and accomplish. And so it’s more just guiding them through those issues that they feel like they need help with. And so for her, she’s got the fitness down now. She’s hiking five days a week. I told her not even touch weights or go into a gym, just get one with your body, feel strong again. And then so the next call, I’m gonna touch base with her on her food, her eating habits. And so it’s mainly just guidance, I would say. And definitely coaching to an aspect. I mean, I love rooting people on and seeing the progress that they make because some people need that reassurance of just, good job, you know.
Dang, that sounds phenomenal. I’m so excited that you’re doing that and I’m so excited that you’re linking the mental health to it. So you work this 9 to 5 and you have this coaching business and you’re running an Instagram, I mean, and you’re taking care of yourself. So how do you do it all?
Oh gosh, barely any sleep. No, when I first started that nine to five, it was the first nine to five I’ve ever had. And so it really, really caught me by surprise with how fast life goes when you have one. So I didn’t do anything after work in the beginning. And I felt like all I was doing was getting up working and sleeping.
And so I finally told myself after I felt like I didn’t have a life anymore, even if I’m tired after work, I have to do something, or else I’m going to be stagnant like this for years. And so, um, I finally got back on Instagram. I started posting more and just creating more engagement. I was like, that’s, that’s what I’m here for. Like, I love motivating people. And even my boss asks me, why don’t you leave this job and do like marketing or something? And, um, fortunately I actually did just get a marketing position. So that’s good news today.
Yeah, so I do it all because I, I know that it’s all worth it. And so I do that nine to five to get that larger paycheck. But then I also do the things that don’t make me as much money because they make me happy. And I have to do the things that make me happy or I will fall into a hole. And I just know that about myself.
Yeah, yeah, I think that it’s I mean, I work a nine to five as well. And I think that it’s so easy to get into this robotic routine where it’s like, Okay, I wake up, I work out, I go to work, I, you know, pack the same lunch every single day, I come home, I eat dinner, I watch the show, I go to bed. And if you do not force yourself to add in that brings a little extra to your day. It is so easy to kind of get into that routine rut feeling. And so I love that you say, you know, even if you’re tired, forcing yourself to do something is huge. And yeah, it just comes down to, again, as you said earlier, putting in the work and making a decision, okay, I know I’m tired, but this is important for me and for my happiness to do this.
Totally. I mean, I feel like I put a lot of work in to kind of just be happy again and come back to who I am. And so I told myself, you know, you have to put in those extra hours to do those things and it’s so worth it. It’s so fulfilling.
Yeah. So I wanted to talk to you about also the idea of people being able to accept their body, but still wanting to change it. I feel like on Instagram right now, there’s two kinds of sides of the spectrum. There’s people that believe that loving your body, or let me say, accepting your body means that you don’t want to change it at all because you love everything.
However, people that are like drastically like, okay, I want to change everything. And I feel like I kind of sit in the middle, which is kind of like, I don’t know, I don’t know, uncomfortable place to sit because it’s always hard to live in the gray. Right. But I like you can accept your body and still want to change it. So I just wanted to hear your thoughts on kind of that idea or where you stood on that.
You know, it’s a hard question because it’s almost controversial. Because if I’m being completely honest, I think that you can love yourself, love your body but also want to change it because there’s healthy things that you actually do need to do in life like obesity and diabetes. That is a thing and you need to somewhat keep your body healthy and live a long life.
But I also believe that as long as you’re working towards living somewhat of a healthy life, then yeah, love yourself, love everything about yourself. But that’s a hard question to answer just because, you know, a lot of people probably have different views on that. But I do believe, I mean, I have curves myself. I’m not the skinniest person in the world, but I like my body. And so there it is that middle, it’s that gray area. And but I, long story short, I’m a true believer in living a healthy life, but also accepting who you are because you can’t always hold yourself to that standard of being perfect and being skinny and super fit, but also just making the effort to, you know, keep the body clean.
Yeah, and I think that healthy looks different on everybody. Healthy doesn’t have to mean, you know, what it does when you Google healthy on the internet, you know, it’s whatever makes you feel best in my mind.
Yeah, totally. And yeah, I feel like a lot of people get that mixed up with, cause I see both sides of the social media aspect that you’re talking about. I see it all the time and healthy does look different on everybody, but just ensure that people are living their long lives.
Yeah, yeah. It’s definitely a tough question. And it’s one of those that makes you think and where I kind of came up with this, I mean, I didn’t come up with this idea, but I am very, very strong in my therapy practices teaching dialectical behavior therapy, which essentially brings in two opposing forces and they teach this idea of radical acceptance. And this idea that to live the happiest life, there are things in our lives that we have to accept, even if we don’t like them, things that we don’t have control over, and accepting them kind of brings us this ultimate happiness.
And that doesn’t mean that we are okay with it or that we don’t want to change it. But I do think, you know, when I went to therapy after all of my own personal struggles, I remember my therapist was like, to get the body you want, you first have to accept the body you have. And I was like, I was like, I’m sorry, what? That’s why I’m here. Like I’m here for you to fix this. And she was like, she just kept saying to get the body you want, you must first accept the body you have. And it wasn’t until I realized that like, okay, when I’m able to accept where my body is right now, and I do the things that make me feel happy and healthy and alive, my body will go where it’s supposed to go.
I totally agree.
And that’s kind of exactly what happens.
Yeah, I mean, you lose weight different ways, but you can see your body just transitioning into what it’s supposed to be. I mean, and that’s when you realize when you really start to lose weight, you think, wow, there really are different body shapes out there, because mine is transforming into something I never thought like I would lose weight here or lose weight there. Like, it’s so weird to see your body like transition.
Yeah. Okay. So we talked about the fitness. Now I want to talk about the food a little bit because I feel like you really show a good, good balance of like food freedom and what food freedom means. Like taking care of your body and eating clean, but also like, if you’re going out with friends, you’re going to eat whatever. If you’re craving something, you’re going to eat whatever. So talk to me a little bit about how you’ve come from being a little bit more restrictive to your food to coming to this place of, I don’t know, acceptance of food.
I follow this like mental rule, I really do eat what I want. It keeps me happy because during the week I know I’m working hard, I’m sticking to my work schedule, I’m eating clean, I feel good. On the weekends, I can just let loose. I’m not gaining a bunch of weight by doing that because it is 80-20. I’m super big on nutrition. I think that it’s the best way to help just your gut issues and your mental health.
Yeah, so, I mean, the week, you feel like, let’s say it’s a Tuesday and it’s somebody’s birthday. Like, are you gonna go out and enjoy that birthday?
I will, because they don’t come around very often. So, whenever it’s like an occasion, yeah, I don’t even stress about it just because it’s just not, it’s not every day.
Yeah. And I think too, like totally going back, like 30 minutes ago when we were talking about your nine to five, I think that when we slow down and we savor these moments, even like things such as like brushing our teeth or taking a shower or a skin care, our skincare routine, they can become so much more enjoyable when we just like savor that moment and make it almost special.
Yes, I totally agree with that. And I mean, my back to my skin routine, that is the thing I find so special in my day. I just love it. It’s so relaxing and I look forward to it, but it’s so small, but it’s huge to me. Love it.
So what are some things just to kind of end this episode, what are some things that you do on a daily basis to keep your mind healthy?
I stopped going on TikTok. And also I keep my Instagram intake down. And I also listen to podcasts such as today’s. But yeah, usually when I want to play music, I ask myself, you know, if I have a time to play music, then I have a time to listen to something either educational or something that is motivational. And so instead of music, which gets tiring very quick, I switch it to podcasts. And so podcasts are like my main thing.
I’ve just recently actually gotten into podcasts. I hopped on this train super late. And if there’s one good thing that’s come out of COVID for me, it has been just getting into podcasts because there’s so much so much good information to learn. But thank you so much for everything, Natalie. Seriously, like your story is so inspiring. You’re so inspiring. I love just everything that you offer. You know, when I was really trying to clean up my Instagram feed and fill it with people that I feel like made me feel good when I got off of Instagram. And I was really, really looking for people that showed this healthy lifestyle of fitness, but also this food freedom and happiness and balance and all that kind of stuff. And I’m just so happy that I found you. And I’m so excited. I’m so excited to share you with everybody because you just you’re amazing.
Oh my gosh, I’m so honored to be here, to be honest. I mean, I was telling my parents, my sister, everyone else, like someone asked me to be on a podcast. I was so excited.
Oh my gosh, so where can everybody find you?
So my Instagram is literally just my first and last name. So Natalie Linan, and then my website is NCM Coaching, which stands for Nat’s competence and motivational And so either one of them, it’s all out there. It’s me.
Yay. Okay. Thanks so much, Natalie.
All right. Have a good night.
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First Steps To Stop Binge Eating
The Ryann Nicole
the food freedom lab podcast