005. Unlocking Recovery: 5 Key Steps That Helped Me Stop Binge Eating

November 18, 2020

binge eating

Hey There, I'm Ryann Nicole.

I’m a recovered binge eater who changed the story from something that happened to me to something that happened for me. Now, I’m a licensed therapist teaching you to do the same.

My mission? To help you ditch food stress and live your life with mental peace and freedom every single day!

Episode Transcript

Today, I’m going to share a personal struggle with binge eating and offer five unconventional tips that helped me overcome it.

Understanding Binge Eating

For seven long years, I battled binge eating, experimenting with various diets in the hope of finding a solution. However, the real breakthrough came when I shifted my focus. Instead of fixating on weight loss, I learned to eat intuitively and address the root causes of my binges.

The Five Tips to Stop Binge Eating:

  1. Hunger Scale Mastery: The traditional advice of avoiding restriction didn’t quite work for me. I needed something more actionable. Enter the hunger scale. I learned to re-eat by keeping my hunger between 3 and 7, avoiding the danger zones that often led to binging.
  2. Connect with Someone: While cleansing my social media feed was helpful, having someone to connect with during struggles became a game-changer. Binge eating often comes with an overwhelming sense of shame, and having a support system can make you feel less isolated.
  3. Plate and Sit Down: Instead of keeping trigger foods out of the house, I found it more effective to put all foods on a plate or bowl. This simple act made binging less convenient and added a level of mindfulness to the process.
  4. Fork Down Between Bites: Slowing down my eating was crucial. I started putting the fork down between bites, forcing myself to be more mindful and reducing the speed at which I consumed food.
  5. Eat Foods You Love: The conventional wisdom of labeling foods as good or bad was counterproductive. I gave myself permission to not eat things I didn’t absolutely love. Forcing yourself to eat unsatisfying foods only increases the likelihood of binge eating.

Overcoming binge eating is a process that requires effort and discomfort. Changing your mindset and habits is essential, and remember, progress is more important than perfection. If you put in the work, the binges will eventually stop.

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Ways I Can Support You

01 Coaching

Intimate group coaching to break free from binge eating

02 podcast

Real talk on food, mindset shifts, motherhood, and finding peace.

03 support group

A safe space to connect with others on the same journey.

04 free coaching

Have real conversations and hear others share their struggles.

Ryann Nicole

Licensed Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, and Virtual Wellness Coach

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

Are You Ready to Heal Your Relationship With Food? 

I understand—it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. Let's simplify things and have you start right here:

Why Am I Overeating?

First Steps To Stop Binge Eating 

The Ryann Nicole




the food freedom lab podcast

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.