059. How do I eat my binge foods, without bingeing?

binge eating help; ryann nicole

Written By:


Ryann Nicole

Episode Transcript

Hey, it’s Ryann, your host at the Food Freedom Lab. In today’s episode, I’m sharing my journey of reintroducing foods I once considered off-limits. Let’s dive into how I overcame the fear of binging and found a balanced approach to enjoying various foods without guilt or anxiety.

Facing the Fear of Binging

There was a time when I believed avoiding specific foods would solve my binge eating problems. My go-to binge foods were packaged cookies, Cheez-Its, and pretzels. However, I realized that the root of binge eating was not the food itself but my response to restriction. Simply removing these foods didn’t address the underlying issue.

Embracing a New Perspective

One day, I woke up with a revelation—I didn’t want to live a life avoiding certain foods. I didn’t want to be afraid to eat with friends or limit my choices. The idea of having a future spouse and restricting our food choices together was not the life I envisioned. So, I decided to incorporate these foods back into my everyday life, but it wasn’t an easy journey.

Working Smarter, Not Harder

To make the process easier, I discovered three key strategies for incorporating binge foods without triggering a binge. It’s all about working smarter, not harder, and finding a balanced approach to avoid reinforcing negative beliefs.

Tips for Success

  1. Balance it Out:
    • Binge foods often consist of simple carbs. Balancing them with fats or proteins can help you feel satisfied sooner and stay fuller for longer.
    • For example, pair cookies with milk or a latte for added fat or protein. Similarly, enjoy chips with cheese or deli turkey to create a more balanced snack.
  2. Eat at Stable Hunger Levels or After a Meal:
    • Consume binge foods when you’re not starving or after a satisfying meal. This helps minimize the urge to overeat when driven by extreme hunger.
    • If cookies trigger binges, try having them after lunch or with a meal. For chips, pair them with a sandwich or indulge after having a fulfilling meal.
  3. Wait for a Positive State of Mind:
    • Avoid consuming binge foods when in a negative or emotional state. Instead, reserve these moments for days when you’re happy and enjoying life.
    • For example, have your favorite snacks on days filled with positive experiences, creating a positive association with these foods.

Incorporating binge foods back into your life is about creating a new belief that you can enjoy them without binging. By working smarter and following these tips, you can challenge old beliefs and experience a healthier relationship with food. Remember, this journey is unique to you, so find what works best and embrace the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods without fear.

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Ryann Nicole

Licensed Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, and Virtual Wellness Coach

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

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The Food Freedom Lab Podcast




the food freedom lab podcast

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.