March 23, 2022
I’m a recovered binge eater who changed the story from something that happened to me to something that happened for me. Now, I’m a licensed therapist teaching you to do the same.
My mission? To help you ditch food stress and live your life with mental peace and freedom every single day!
📲 Instagram: @zmahoon
🖥 Youtube: The Unlimited Life
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Well, I am so excited to pick your brain today on all things Law of Attraction. It’s one of those things where it’s like, I know it’s kind of like woo woo, but like, I like, it’s one of those things where it’s like, you can’t not believe in it. You know what I mean? And once you start to just like really embrace it, it’s so crazy to see how your life changes. to be able to use that in a way to help people in, you know, healing their relationships with food and body and extracting the lifestyle that they want. So, anyways, thank you so much for coming on the Food Freedom Lab today. I so appreciate you and I’m really excited for our conversation.
Awesome. Let’s get going. Tell me a little about yourself.
So I live in Jackson. I am currently a therapist for anyone struggling with binge eating, emotional eating, and really just healing their relationship with food. So I had a long history struggling with disordered eating, and then when I hit rock bottom, went to a treatment center to pull myself out of it, I met with a therapist that changed my life. And I was like, you know what, instead of taking this mindset of like, why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to me? I was like, no, I’m going to change this into how is this happening for me? And when I took that approach, I was like, the reason why this happened for me is because now I can be the person for somebody else that I didn’t find when I was going through it.
And so from there, I made it my mission to become that person, to share my story, to be able to open up and to talk about binge eating from an open perspective, from, you know, being so shameful about it to being like, yeah, this is what I did. And, you know, this is why it happened and being able to help others understand what’s going on as a way that it is not them being broken or not them being wrong, but just rewiring the brain. So that is where I’m at and being able to share all of this with others is huge. So I would love to know a little bit about you, your story. What got you started with Law of Attraction? And…
Well, it’s always, I find that everyone who has come into the Law of Attraction realm has come because there was a problem that they wanted to fix and couldn’t find a way to fix it. But when you arrive in this realm, you discover that it is not about manifesting just the one thing. It has to be a lifestyle. And law of attraction is not a tool, it is a lifestyle. If you use it like a tool, it does not give you the results that you’re looking for. So you have to use it on a daily basis as part of your life, just as part of the way you look at life and things that happen to yourself as well as other people.
And when you do that, now you can start getting amazing, fabulous results. So it’s not a one-off thing and I think that’s where people don’t understand it properly and about how it works and how to use it properly which is why a lot of people seem to think that it’s like a hit or miss like it works sometimes and doesn’t work other times.
But law of attraction is absolutely consistent and will give you consistent results provided you use it the way it’s supposed to be used.
So backing up, can you give us a little overview or a little definition of what law of attraction is for someone who hasn’t maybe heard of it before?
Well, you know, when I hadn’t heard of it before, I met this term law of attraction with skepticism. I was like, what is this? And what a funny term, like why would you call it law of attraction? But basically you call it law of attraction because what you’re really saying is my thoughts and my vibration Attract what happens to me? That’s why it is the law of attraction And it is a law because it is consistent. It does not vary. It does not it’s not subjective It does not have favorites it does it is an exact match the more It’s like thinking about Google really if you think about it like a search engine Law of Attraction puts together brings together people with the things that they are on the same vibe with that’s it so Once you understand how the system works now, you can use it to your advantage.
In fact, I think that you discover when you really get into it that the rat race, the so-called rat race that we are in, all of it is because we think that acquiring something, either a physical possession or a status is going to make you happy. But when you start understanding law of attraction, then you start understanding that you’ve got to get happy first, and then that thing will come to you. So it kind of turns your life on its head.
beginning, because it’s like, okay, I want this thing so I can be happy. But no, wait a second, I’ve got to get happy first. And then I’ll get that thing.
Yeah. So how do you get happy first? I mean, what do you suggest?
The main thing is to not have any attachment to the outcome.
Oh yeah.
I think people, um, get in their own way when they have an attachment to what will happen next. And when you relax and you give up that attachment to the outcome and you just start saying, well you know the universe is going to look after me, the universe does not hate me, you know I am loved, I am the same as anyone else, the universe has my back and so you relax.
And now you don’t have attachment to the outcome because you trust that whatever happens next is in your best interest. And if that end result isn’t coming right away, then that means that you’re not thinking your thoughts in a manner that would make it come. And that’s where you kind of have this mental shift of, oh, the reason things are not happening is not because source is withholding something from me because I’m not a good person or I don’t deserve it or yada, yada, yada. The only reason it’s not coming is because I am doing something that is getting in the way.
Oh yeah, that’s really powerful. So when you initially said to fully embrace law of attraction, it has to be a lifestyle, not a tool. Can you tell us a little bit more about that? What do you mean by using it as a life or having it as a lifestyle?
Well, the thing is visualization, for example, or affirmations, they are tools. You can use them, you can put them away. Law of attraction is not a tool. It is a lifestyle because it’s happening all the time. You are attracting everything that happens to you in every moment of your day. It’s like you can’t leave home and expect that there will be no gravity. There is always gravity. That is why it is a law. Right? The law of gravity is a law because gravity never goes away.
Well, law of attraction never goes away. So whether you’re getting what you want or you’re not getting what you want either way It’s because of the law of attraction and so it’s not that law of attraction ever stops working It’s always working just like gravity is always big working You don’t wake up one day and find yourself floating in your room because gravity was switched off Yeah, you stopped using gravity. It doesn’t and so law of attraction. You can’t switch it off. It’s always working. So you have to learn to work with it.
Okay. Okay.
So it’s not about the one-time thing that you want to get. It is about life because every day when you wake up, law of attraction is working.
Right. Right.
You can either work with it or it can work against you. So it would be like, okay, today I’m just going to wake up and instead of walking out my door I’ll just walk out of my window and fly. Doesn’t happen. And so you cannot wake up one day and say today I’m going to be angry and negative all day and I will still get good results. It’s not going to happen because the law of attraction is a law and it’s working all the time consistently the same every day. So what do you want? Do you want to be angry and then attract results that magnify your anger and expose your anger? Or do you want to attract good things? If you want to attract good things, you have to think thoughts that are conducive to attracting good things. And at the end of the day, we just want to have a good day every day because a good day every day is a good life.
Yeah. Yeah. So I would love to know from you. I know that something that I fell into and many of my clients fall into is when I get the body, when I lose weight, when I look this way, then I’ll have the guy, then I’ll have the happiness, then I’ll have the family, then I’ll have the job. How could focusing all your attention on body to get these other things actually keep you from getting these other things with the law of attraction in mind?
It starts with backing up a little bit and asking yourself, how did I create this problem? Because I created it. So the first step in law of attraction is awareness and acceptance. The first two steps. Awareness, awareness of the fact that there’s something that I must be doing wrong, because of which I’m not getting the results I want, because there are other people who are getting results. So why is it that I am not? I’m on the same diet plan. There’s nothing unique about, you know, what I’m doing differently. My siblings are fine. They’re not overweight, right? So it’s not my genetics. It’s not my diet. What is it? So the first thing is to be aware of the fact that it’s something you are doing in your mind because mind over matter. We all accept that it is mind over matter.
So I guess I must be doing something wrong with my mind because I don’t have control over matter. And that’s the step where you have awareness. And then acceptance. You have to accept that you created the mess. And if you can create a mess, you can also clean it up. So the next stage is that acceptance that it’s okay that I created this. It’s okay that I didn’t look after my health. It’s okay because I can change all of that. That’s where you empower yourself. You say, no, I can do it. I just need to figure out how it works and then I will be able to do it. And so then the next thing is to learn the tools, to actually learn how does law of attraction work? What are the tools and how can I use them. So that is stage three of learning.
Then stage four is of taking this thing that you’ve learned theoretically and putting it into action. So now you experiment with the tools. You try the tool. It’s like if you’re into arts and crafts, when you’re first learning, sometimes you can cut off too much and sometimes you don’t cut off as much as you should. And you kind of start getting a feel for what to do and how, you know, whether to stick it first or lick it first.
Yeah, yeah.
And you kind of start learning these little tricks with it that help you to get better results. In the same way, step four in Law of Attraction is about learning to use the tools the right way because there there’s Unfortunately a lot of noise around law of attraction out there and not everyone who’s teaching law of attraction really knows much about it, so so the Then you learn how to use the tools There’s a way to visualize in a way to affirm and a way to script and a way to journal. You have to learn those things, but it starts with learning and understanding what is the difference between a negative thought or and a positive thought. And I find that that’s where a lot of people really don’t know the difference. Because, I’m looking for one of my books. Because I want to give you some examples.
So we kind of talk about what we want in negative terms. And I’m going to give you some examples of how that works because I have an example that has to do with your body image and your weight. So let me find that. And it is about perspective. Your perspective is everything. You can change the way you look at things. So for example, somebody who is looking for a relationship could say, I am lonely. I hate that I’m so lonely. I hate, and I actually had a client who used to say every holiday that came around she would say I hate that I’m going to be alone again. Right? And I used to counsel her to tell her, listen, instead of saying I hate that I’m going to be alone again, why not say I would like a companion because that’s really what you want. If you keep saying that I am lonely, then you’re putting loneliness out there.
And if you put loneliness out there, you are going to attract more loneliness. You’re not going to attract the opposite of it, but wanting a partner and having a partner is literally the opposite of it. So talk about what you want to attract rather than the opposite. And this is where people don’t realize that half the time when they’re talking and they feel that they’re being positive because they want positive results, their actual language is not positive. It is far from being positive. And this is the thing that prevents them from getting the answers. So in terms of people who have, for example, when you say, I want to lose weight, what do you really want? Well, I know from trying to help people who are asking for that, is that they either want to look good or they want better health.
So why not talk about that instead of saying, I want to lose weight, which means that you’re actually focusing on the absence of having the kind of figure or health that you want. Why not instead say, I want to be healthy. I want to look good. Because that’s the end objective that you want. And so if you put that out now by law of attraction, you will attract it. But if you keep saying the opposite of it, then you will not attract it. So I’ll give you a couple of examples. I don’t like the way I look versus saying I want to look nice. What will they think versus saying I want them to love me unconditionally. I don’t want to do that versus saying I want to do things that I enjoy and have fun with.
That’s too difficult versus saying I want that to be easy. Nobody likes me versus saying I want to be liked. I don’t deserve it versus saying I’m worthy of all good things. I can’t be perfect versus saying I am comfortable with who I am. Right? So the thing is I’m overweight, nothing seems to work, versus saying, I’m sure I will find a way that works for me. It’s not getting better, versus saying, I’m sure that I will find something that will help me. So people end up talking about things that they want, but they come to those things from a negative perspective. And perspective is everything. Because whatever you think about is what you manifest. So if you think about loneliness, you manifest loneliness. If you think about weight loss, then you attract having to lose weight. It’s whatever you say about yourself. And so the reason I was saying was back up, back up, back up.
Take another look at it because you’ve got to understand that the situation that you are in, you created it, right? So stage four is learning how to use the tools. Stage five is getting to a place where the tools are now working and you’re starting to see results. I call that a place of alignment or balance. And then stage six is mastery. So this process takes time. And you see, the reason I say people treat law of attraction like a tool is because if you have a can opener, which is a tool, you open the can and then you put it away. Well, guess what? Law of attraction is not like that because you can’t put it away. So it’s not a can opener that you’re going to pick up and use and then put away. It is something that’s active all day, every day for as long as you are awake.
And that’s why I mean, if you have the tool mentality towards it, you won’t get the results that you are looking for, because it is not a tool. So using it as a lifestyle is that constantly being aware of the thoughts and as negative thoughts come up practicing that reframe instead of just being like oh I’ll just reframe when I notice a negative thought? Well you see that’s the learning phase you learn how to use things the tools that are based on law of attraction then you practice them and then you get results.
Okay. So it’s a little bit of a process. And depending on how you are already wired, because some people come to me and they have 60 years of wiring, well, it’s not going to go away with, you know, one day of learning how to do it. It’s going to take some time because you’ve got a habit. And like any other habit, it takes time. I call them thought addictions. They are thought addictions because you’re used to thinking in a certain way. And changing that takes time. So yes, you do have to be aware and pay attention in the beginning. But by the time you get to stage 4 and 5, you don’t need to pay attention. It’s already become natural. And when you get to stage 6, which is mastery, you don’t even think about it. It becomes as easy as flipping a switch. So I like to say to people like, you know, I don’t know, do you have, do you have children?
I don’t yet.
Okay, so for those, well, you know, think about yourself going to the park when you were a kid. In the beginning, it takes effort to get the swing going, but once the swing is going or once the Mad Mary go-round is going, it just needs a tap. So in the beginning, yes, it takes a lot of work, but once you get the hang of it, it’s no work at all. It just becomes, and that’s when it becomes a lifestyle because you’re doing it unconsciously. It becomes your autopilot. So it’s literally like if we wanted to change the way an airplane operated, we would have to pull it apart, reprogram its autopilot, then put it back together again. And now the plane would operate based on the new autopilot. The same thing with us. Our belief systems have become our autopilot. And that’s why we are getting the results that we are getting. So if we don’t want those results, we have to pull this autopilot apart and start doing it differently.
For those that are working through this negative mindset and really struggle with this concept of I’ve created my own mess in the sense that they’re like, but they did this, or these are my genetics or I didn’t have control over that. How would you reframe that to. To not fall in that trap of negativity.
So it starts with something that we talked about right at the beginning, and that is mind over matter. Do you believe that your mind is more powerful and can mold matter and energy. You can’t say mind over matter is true and then say someone did something to me because it does not work. Those are two opposing beliefs. And you have to understand that your vibration brought that person into your life in the first place. attracted that behavior from them. So yes, they did the behavior, but we attracted it because we vibrated in a manner that called that behavior to us. If we were not in a place of fear or doubt or anxiety, then we would not meet such a person.
If you were in a place of joy, you would meet people who were also in a place of joy because like vibration attracts like vibration. And so I created everything that happened to me, all the abuse, I created it. Why? Because I was in a place of fear and I didn’t know that my feeling fear and not doing anything about it is going to bring me negative consequences. I was unaware. And so we attract those people who show us that negative behavior. Genetics, so if you look at genetics, oh my genetics are that way. Well, everybody has the propensity for everything inside them. But stress is the trigger. If you’re not living a stressful lifestyle, you will never trigger that in you. And this is why there are families where some siblings get a certain condition and other siblings don’t because the trigger is missing. So only those get it who have the trigger and the trigger is always stress.
Stress is the trigger. We know that. Medical science knows that. There was a study done, I remember when I was a kid, I was fascinated by this study that was done in the 60s. I think it was done in the 60s or the 70s. Anyway, I came across it as a child because my parents were talking about it. And the study was that people who have road rage, who get frustrated being on the road, have a higher propensity for getting heart attacks. And so what is the connection between a heart attack and road rage? It is stress. And, you know, like people talk about genetics and I often think about it and I talk about this is, so if it is genetics, then tell me the first person who ever got cancer, who did they inherit it from? Like, how did that, the first person who ever had a heart attack, where did that come from?
There’s always a starting point. And then people who are around that person or are family members, they pay attention to that condition and that’s how genetics is created. Because whatever you give your attention to, you call into your life. That’s law of attraction. So if you’ve come across a lot of people who have heart attacks or maybe a parent who had a heart attack and you pay attention to it and now you’re scared that because they have it you might get it, then you are literally bringing it into your life. So, things happen to the extent that you pay attention to them. It’s like when you come out of a horror movie, you don’t expect the monsters to follow you home. You leave the movie in the movie theater, right? And so, if you just look at someone else having, you know, this health problem, then you don’t have to bring it home with you. It doesn’t have to become your problem.
But if you keep spending time thinking about it, worrying about it, you are making it bigger. You’re making it a bigger part of your life. And so I call that creating a weak spot in your aura. You have created a weak spot which is going to allow things to come in from that weak spot. And the weak spot is always triggered by stress. Accumulation of stress it’s like if you have a water hose and you know you turn it on full so your faucet is turned on full but you’ve got a kink in your hose and so now it’s developing pressure. It looks for the weak spot in the hose and that’s where it sprouts from. We are the same way. We create weak spots by paying attention to negative things. And then when there’s stress inside our body, we sprout a disease.
Got it. That is so interesting. I’ve never thought of it that way.
That is what, that is how things work. And because connections in the non-physical world. So, law of attraction is basically understanding how energy works, right? And so, the connections in energy, because energy is invisible, heat is energy, light is energy, we don’t see light unless it’s in a light bulb. So the same thing is with our thoughts. We don’t see our thoughts. Our thoughts are a form of energy. So the connections that are non-physical, you can’t see them. understanding them because physical connections are easy to understand. I push something, that’s the thing that gets pushed. In the world of law of attraction, you push one thing and another thing gets pushed as well, right? Because they are all connected. The subjects of our life And that’s where it gets complicated.
Yeah, yeah, definitely. So to complicate it a little bit more or maybe to uncomplicate it, for those that really struggle with the fear of judgment from other people or criticism from other people, living their life in constant fear of what is somebody else gonna think about me? What is somebody else gonna think about my body? How can you reframe that in the sense that, of course, if based on what you’ve said, if I’m living in constant fear of what are others going to think of me, then I’m extracting more criticism, right? So what is a reframe that I could use to help me maybe let go of that fear?
It would take a couple of months of coaching to look after.
Yeah, yeah. If only it was that easy.
There is no short answer to that. There is no short answer to that. Reframing does not work because you cannot flip from one side to the other. It’s like saying if a car is going 100 miles an hour in one direction, I’m just going to flip it over. No, you’re going to overturn the car if you try to flip it over to the other side because there’s a lot of energy that you’ve already given this. So your energy, if you’ve been thinking what will other people think about me, if that’s a thought that you’ve put so much energy into it. So it’s not just going to flip around. You can’t say the opposite of it because your mind is just not going to accept it. It’s not your truth.
So just like a steam you turn your thoughts around slowly. You can’t go to the opposite of what your current belief is. It’s a stepwise process and that’s why it takes time. So the first thing is to start saying to yourself, I am beginning to understand that what other people think of me is none of my business. Dr. Wayne Dyer’s famous words, right? I’m beginning to understand it. I don’t understand it completely, but I’m beginning to understand it. I’m willing to give it some space in my mind. I’m willing to open the door to figuring it out. That is completely true. So you cannot make a statement that is untrue for you today and hope to achieve that result. Your mind will reject it and if your mind rejects it, it cannot happen. So you have to find a way of stating the end goal that you want to accomplish in a manner that is true and your mind will not reject it.
So to say I have 50 pounds to lose and I’m going to do it. From where you are today, that probably seems impossible. Otherwise, you would have already done it. Because it’s something you’ve been trying to do for a very long time. So you can’t say that. What you must say is, I’m beginning to understand all the things that I must do in order to accomplish my goal. Of losing 50 pounds or you know and and then when you break it down into little steps it doesn’t seem this overwhelming thing. When we set up very big goals for ourselves that are so far away from where we are currently we get overwhelmed and we never get started if we are overwhelmed because it just seems like I can’t do that. It’s too much.
So you have to break it down. And so law of attraction is all about shifting your beliefs slowly. And when and I like to say if someone tells you you can change this overnight, run. Run because you cannot change it overnight.
So one other question, because that was so helpful. And I think that one of the things that I know is really hard when building a better relationship with your body is when you have been putting so much energy into, I hate my body, I hate my body for so long, then standing in front of the mirror and saying, I love my body is just not gonna work. So what would be a helpful kind of bridge point that if you’ve been spending so much energy into I hate my body, something that is maybe believable?
I’m learning to be open to the idea that the way I look has nothing to do with how people see me. I’m beginning to understand that people see beyond what I look like in my physical body. I am beginning to understand that people see my heart. People see who I am. Right? Now that sounds really good when you say it. Right? And that’s the idea. You have to say things that are true, today. And I can tell you, because I know and I’ve been there myself, is that most people who are overweight, know for sure that they have golden hearts. They are very sad internally, but they always put on a happy face, because they don’t want anyone else to see how they’re feeling inside. And I know this to be true for a lot of people who have issues with their body image.
So you have to start looking beyond this in softer ways because you cannot say I love my body. I can tell you the day I was in a class and the instructor said, all right, stand up and say, I love myself. Oh my God. I just, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I remember I stood up with all the other people and I just moved my lips. No words came out. Because it was not believable. It was not my truth. I could not say it. And I felt exposed and ashamed and just I couldn’t and I know that that is what happens to people and that’s not the right way to do it. You have to go there softly in ways that you are able to permit yourself to do which means taking the emphasis away from the body and focusing on the personality. Focus on your golden heart. Focus on the, don’t focus on my puppy. She’s in the room and she heard something outside. Anyway.
I really love the statement that you made. Find a statement that is true for you in this moment. I feel like at this moment, that’s so powerful because then you can meet yourself where you’re at and it becomes so much less overwhelming and like the pressure is off because you’re not trying to become something that you just don’t believe. It is, okay, I am doing this softly. I feel like that is so beautifully put.
Yeah, exactly. But that’s really, so you know what, it is very much part of your self-worth because the way we develop self-worth is by bringing ourselves to love ourselves, right? And you can’t do that if you look in the mirror and So it is a journey and to anyone who is on this journey, I wanna say, be kind to yourself. We all know that, we pay lip service to, oh, you should talk to yourself like a friend, you would talk to a friend, talk to yourself in the same way. But how many of us actually end up doing it? Right?
Right, so true, so true.
Yeah. So when you look in the mirror and you see something that you don’t want to see, you have to soothe yourself by saying, it’s going to be all right. It’s not going to be this way forever. Even if I’m on my way and it’s taking longer than I want it to, but the important thing is I am on my way. And as long as I keep doing little things every day to help my body along, my body and I will get there.
I love that. I love that. So to wrap up all of the goodness that you have shared with us today, which I appreciate so much, if someone is open to begin using this as a lifestyle. What are some starting places?
Okay, so there are many places that you can go, but if you want to start with me and how I teach law of attraction workout. And so with this, it comes with a free video course, so you buy the workbook, but the course that comes with it is completely free. And what that does is, the workbook is divided into two parts. The first part is understanding law of attraction. How does it work? And then the second part consists of exercises. And every day, there’s a passage that you read, or listen to. And that passage is the part that helps you to reprogram your mind.
And then there’s exercises that would probably take you maybe half an hour to do, which will then give you the grounding in law of attraction that you need. So the workbook will basically bring you, remember I said, awareness, acceptance, learning, application, alignment. So the workbook can bring you all the way to step five, which is alignment. And stage six is just about keep doing the exercises that you’ve learned in order to become a master So that’s where I would say people need to start That is a really good place to start and if you want to understand law of attraction at a really deep level What I do is I like to use diagrams because I feel that people understand diagrams a lot better than just speaking. And so I have this book called Thrive, which is a diagrammatic, illustrated guide to the law of attraction. And so I think that those two are a really good place for most people to start.
The third tool, so if you have three of these, I think that you pretty much don’t need anything else. The third book is Manifesting Mistakes, and that is there are 16 mistakes in there that I see people making all the time because of which they don’t get results with Law of Attraction. So I think that with these three tools, you can really get a good grounding in how Law of Attraction works. So that is what I would say. Aside from that, there’s so much free material out there. My YouTube channel is there. I’m posting all the time in my groups on Facebook and there are so many really good teachers around. I mean, I’ve gained inspiration from Wayne Dyer and Esther Hicks and Deepak Chopra. Really, really enjoyed their work. So yeah.
What is your YouTube channel?
My YouTube channel is called The Unlimited Life and on that channel I answer questions.
So my subscribers leave me questions in the comments or they send me their questions through my website, and then I post a video response.
So amazing. So is YouTube and your website the best place for people to find you and connect with you?
They can connect with me there or on Facebook. I have several groups, groups associated with the programs that I offer, but I also have a free private free group also called Unlimited Life.
Where you can join me and I teach meditation in that group.
Oh, amazing, cool. I’ll have those links in the show notes below. Thank you so much. This was awesome. I know that I’ve had a very brief understanding of law of attraction, but that was so helpful and just checking some of the thoughts that I just realized as you were talking that I have and practicing what is true for me today.
Thank you for having me. I enjoyed it.
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