November 23, 2022
I’m a recovered binge eater who changed the story from something that happened to me to something that happened for me. Now, I’m a licensed therapist teaching you to do the same.
My mission? To help you ditch food stress and live your life with mental peace and freedom every single day!
Hey there, it’s Ryann, your guide at the Food Freedom Lab. Today, let’s tackle a common challenge: how to navigate party snacks without feeling overwhelmed. I recently received a question about struggling to eat intuitively at gatherings, especially when faced with tempting snacks. Let’s dive into this together and unravel the complexities around party food.
If you find it challenging to eat intuitively at parties, you’re not alone. Intuitive eating is innate, but relearning it, especially in new environments, takes practice. The first step is to acknowledge that this process might require some time and patience.
Create a game plan in your phone for challenging situations. Answer questions like:
Having this plan can be a lifeline during moments of difficulty, helping you stay connected to your goals.
Remember, the issue isn’t the food at parties but understanding the triggers causing compulsion around it. Validate that learning to eat intuitively at parties takes practice. Be patient with yourself and use these experiences as opportunities for reflection and continued healing.
I’m sending you a virtual hug for being part of another episode. For additional support, find me on Instagram at itsryannnicole. You’re not alone, and together, we can navigate the intricacies of food freedom.
Thank you for joining the Food Freedom Lab. Every step forward in your journey brings you closer to a more liberated and fulfilled version of yourself. Until next time, take care!
Disclaimer: If you have or suspect that you have an eating disorder, be sure to get in touch with a qualified healthcare professional immediately. If you are in the United States and experiencing a medical or health emergency, please call 911 or call for appropriate emergency medical help.
Intimate group coaching to break free from binge eating
Real talk on food, mindset shifts, motherhood, and finding peace.
A safe space to connect with others on the same journey.
Have real conversations and hear others share their struggles.
Ryann Nicole
Licensed Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, and Virtual Wellness Coach
Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.
I understand—it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. Let's simplify things and have you start right here:
Why Am I Overeating?
First Steps To Stop Binge Eating
The Ryann Nicole
the food freedom lab podcast