Body Acceptance: Embracing Your New Stretch Marks

reframing your thinking around stretch marks

Written By:


Ryann Nicole

Today, let’s talk about something that many of us face but might not always discuss openly – new stretch marks. These little lines can show up on our bodies and leave us wondering, “What do I do with these?” The truth is, they’re a part of life, and they’re not something to be ashamed of. In fact, accepting new stretch marks is an important step in embracing our bodies just the way they are. So, let’s explore how we can learn to love these new marks as a beautiful part of our unique story.

Rewriting Your Stretch Marks Story

Here is the exact method I use with my clients. Fill in the blanks for yourself to help rewrite your story about stretch marks.

01. I feel ashamed of _________________, because to me it means _______.

For instance, “I feel ashamed of my stretch marks because to me, it means that I’m less attractive, less worthy, have no control, and have ruined my body.”

02. Evidence I have to support that story: ____. The evidence I have to discredit that story: ____.

Take a step back and look for the evidence that either supports or disproves your story. In our example, it might look like this:

Story: I’m less attractive and less worthy

Discredit: @victoriagarrik and @fittybritttty have both shared that they have stretch marks, and they’re incredibly beautiful, successful, and worthy.

Story: I have no control

Discredit: Stretch marks have nothing to do with control. For example, you can get them from having a baby!

Story: I have ruined my body

Discredit: Stretch marks can’t ruin my body. My body is still functioning and healthy. I’m alive.

03. When my mind plays this story, something more empowering I can tell myself instead is_______.

Now, flip the script and craft a more empowering narrative. For our example:

When my mind plays this story, something more empowering I can tell myself instead is that I am learning to accept these stretch marks. They tell the story of me being strong, resilient, and overcoming my struggles with food.

Accepting new body changes, even when we don’t necessarily like them, is a powerful act of self-compassion. Our bodies are incredible, resilient, and ever-evolving. They carry us through life’s journey, and the changes they undergo are a testament to our experiences. While it’s okay to have moments of self-doubt, remember that your worth is not defined by your appearance. Embrace the uniqueness of your body and the stories it tells. Loving and accepting yourself, including your new body changes, is a beautiful form of self-care and a testament to the strength within you.

10 Self-Care Items To Use When Struggling With Body Image 

Just so you know, I do review everything I recommend. When you buy through links on this page, we may earn a commission.

Aromatherapy Diffuser

Fill your space with calming scents using an aromatherapy diffuser. Essential oils like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus can help create a soothing atmosphere.

Comforting Tea or Hot Cocoa

Enjoy a warm and comforting beverage. Whether it’s a calming herbal tea or a cup of hot cocoa, the act of sipping and savoring can be soothing.

Weighted Blanket

Wrap yourself in a cozy weighted blanket. The gentle pressure can provide a sense of security and promote relaxation, helping to alleviate stress.

Guided Meditation Apps

Use guided meditation apps or audio tracks to lead you through relaxation exercises. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer various sessions for stress reduction and mindfulness.

Candle Set

Light up a set of calming candles. The soft glow and subtle fragrance can create a tranquil environment, helping to shift your mood.

Journal and Pen

Take some time to journal your thoughts and feelings. Writing can be a therapeutic way to process emotions and gain clarity during challenging times.

Comfortable Loungewear

Change into comfortable and soft loungewear. Wearing clothes that make you feel cozy can contribute to a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Mindfulness Coloring Book

Engage in mindful coloring with an adult coloring book. This simple and creative activity can be a meditative way to focus your mind and alleviate stress.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

Block out external noise with noise-canceling headphones. Listen to calming music, nature sounds, or even just enjoy the quiet to create a peaceful environment.

Heatable Pillow or Neck Wrap

Use a heatable pillow or neck wrap to relax tense muscles. These items can provide comfort and relief, especially if stress has manifested physically.

Ryann Nicole

Licensed Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, and Virtual Wellness Coach

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

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Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.