Recovering From Binge Eating: 5 Empowering Truths You Need To Hear

6 things you need to hear if you struggle with binge eating

Written By:


Ryann Nicole

Struggling with binge eating is a tough road. I get it because I’ve been there. For years, I battled with food, binging, obsessing, and attaching my self-worth to what I ate. I believed that if I could just get my food “right,” my life would magically fall into place. I tried every diet, every restrictive tactic, and every trick in the book, but the food struggle persisted. It felt like something was inherently wrong with me, and I feared that this was my destiny. But that all changed when I had my “aha” moment and decided to take control of my life.

6 Things You Need To Hear

Here are the 6 things you need to hear today to start making and seeing some real changes in your recovery:

01. Any Improvement Is a Victory

In the journey of recovery from binge eating, it’s crucial to understand and internalize the idea that any improvement is a significant victory. This principle can be incredibly empowering because it shifts your focus from perfection to progress. Here’s an expanded view of why every step in the right direction is worth celebrating:

  1. Binge Eating Recovery Is a Process: Recovery from binge eating is not a linear path, and it’s not an all-or-nothing endeavor. It’s a process with ups and downs. There will be days when you feel like you’ve taken several steps forward, and others when you might feel like you’ve regressed. Understanding this natural ebb and flow is vital for maintaining a positive mindset.
  2. Small Changes Lead to Big Transformations: Often, people expect drastic changes right away. They set high expectations for themselves, and when they don’t meet them, they feel discouraged. However, it’s essential to realize that small, consistent changes are the building blocks of profound transformation. Each step, no matter how modest, is like a piece of the puzzle that, over time, forms a beautiful and complete picture of recovery.
  3. Shifting the Focus from Perfection to Progress: The pursuit of perfection can be paralyzing. Many individuals who struggle with binge eating have perfectionist tendencies and often expect flawless recovery. They believe they must eliminate all their bingeing behaviors at once. This expectation is unrealistic and can lead to self-criticism and feelings of failure. Recognizing that any improvement, no matter how small, is a victory allows you to shift your mindset from an all-or-nothing approach to one that values consistent effort and gradual change.
  4. Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence: Celebrating every step in your recovery boosts your self-esteem and confidence. When you acknowledge and praise yourself for making progress, you reinforce the belief that you are capable of change and growth. This increased self-assurance can be a powerful motivator to continue working on your recovery journey.
  5. Promoting a Positive Feedback Loop: Recognizing small improvements creates a positive feedback loop in your mind. This loop encourages you to keep moving forward. You begin to associate your efforts with positive outcomes and feelings of accomplishment, which reinforces your commitment to recovery.
  6. Reduction of Self-Criticism and Self-Blame: People struggling with binge eating often engage in self-criticism and self-blame. Celebrating small victories helps combat these destructive patterns of thought. When you view every positive change as a win, you are less likely to harshly judge yourself for any setbacks.

In essence, remember that recovery from binge eating is a journey, not a destination. Embrace every step forward, no matter how small, as a victory. The recognition of these accomplishments will foster resilience, motivation, and self-compassion, which are all essential components of a successful recovery process.

02. You Can Prioritize Your Needs

Prioritizing your own needs in the journey of recovery from binge eating is not only a healthy approach but a crucial one. Here’s a more detailed exploration of why putting yourself first, without guilt, is essential in your recovery:

  1. You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: It’s a common saying, but it holds true in recovery. If you’re constantly depleting your own emotional and mental resources to take care of others, you’ll soon find yourself exhausted and unable to offer meaningful support. Just as you wouldn’t expect a car to run without fuel, you can’t support others effectively without taking care of yourself first.
  2. Learning Self-Compassion: Prioritizing your needs is a practice of self-compassion. Many individuals who struggle with binge eating are prone to self-criticism and perfectionism. By allowing yourself the space for self-care without guilt, you are actively working on transforming these critical thoughts into nurturing ones. You learn to treat yourself with the kindness and understanding you would offer to a loved one.
  3. Reclaiming Your Identity: Binge eating often becomes an all-encompassing struggle that consumes your thoughts and actions. Prioritizing your needs helps you reconnect with your identity beyond your eating disorder. It’s a way to remember and explore your interests, passions, and desires that may have been overshadowed by the disorder.
  4. Recharging Your Energy: Recovery is demanding and can be emotionally draining. Prioritizing self-care is a way to recharge your physical, emotional, and mental energy. It enables you to approach recovery with renewed vitality and enthusiasm.
  5. Recognizing Your Value: Putting your needs first without guilt reinforces the recognition of your intrinsic value. You’re not defined by your eating disorder, and your worth isn’t contingent on how much you do for others. This understanding is foundational in challenging negative self-beliefs and promoting a positive self-image.

In summary, prioritizing your needs without guilt is an empowering act of self-compassion and a practical step in your journey toward recovery from binge eating. It allows you to build emotional resilience, set boundaries, and nurture a healthier relationship with yourself and others. Self-care becomes an investment in your well-being and an affirmation of your worth.

03. Putting Yourself First Isn’t Selfish

Putting yourself first in your journey to overcome binge eating is an act of self-empowerment and a pivotal aspect of your recovery. Here’s a more in-depth exploration of why focusing on yourself is not only acceptable but necessary:

  1. Reclaiming Your Self-Identity: Over time, binge eating can blur your self-identity. Your thoughts, actions, and emotions may become entwined with your eating disorder, making it difficult to distinguish your true self from the disorder’s influence. Prioritizing yourself allows you to rediscover and strengthen your self-identity. You can connect with your values, interests, and dreams that might have been overshadowed by the disorder.
  2. Breaking the Cycle of Codependency: Binge eating is often associated with emotional struggles, including codependency. You might find yourself dependent on external validation or approval from others, leading to neglect of your own needs. Focusing on yourself is a vital step in breaking this cycle of codependency. It fosters self-reliance and self-fulfillment.
  3. Embracing Self-Compassion: Binge eating can be accompanied by harsh self-criticism. By putting yourself first, you are actively practicing self-compassion. This involves treating yourself with the same kindness, care, and understanding that you would offer to a close friend. Self-compassion helps soften the inner critic and fosters a more loving relationship with yourself

In summary, the act of putting yourself first is not a selfish endeavor but an empowering and necessary one. It helps you rediscover your self-identity, break free from codependency, and embrace self-compassion. It’s a foundation for personal growth, emotional mastery, and enhanced self-esteem. By prioritizing yourself, you gain control over your thoughts and emotions and foster more genuine and rewarding relationships with others.

04. Take It One Day At A Time

In the midst of your struggle with binge eating, the prospect of recovery might appear overwhelming. The journey toward healing is often marked by feelings of frustration, self-doubt, and a fear of the unknown. However, this point emphasizes the importance of embracing the present moment and highlights how small changes can bring about significant transformation:

  1. Recognizing the Path to Recovery: Binge eating recovery is a process, not an instantaneous change. By acknowledging that things get easier as you make changes, you’re effectively taking the first step toward recovery. It’s an admission that you’re on a path of self-discovery and healing, and it’s okay to start small.
  2. Consistency Is the Key: Binge eating is often characterized by erratic eating patterns, with episodes of overconsumption followed by periods of restriction or guilt. Consistency in your eating habits is a pivotal component of recovery. It involves establishing regular meal times, eating balanced meals, and listening to your body’s cues. This consistency not only promotes physical health but also contributes to emotional stability.
  3. Small Changes, Big Impact: The notion that even a 1% shift in the right direction daily can lead to remarkable progress is an empowering perspective. It reminds you that recovery doesn’t require drastic, all-encompassing alterations in your life. Instead, it encourages you to focus on gradual, sustainable changes. These small changes could include incorporating new coping strategies, practicing mindfulness, or challenging negative thought patterns.
  4. Overcoming Perfectionism: Perfectionism is a common characteristic among individuals struggling with binge eating. The belief that you must achieve perfection in your eating habits often leads to a cycle of restriction followed by binging. Embracing the idea of gradual, incremental progress allows you to release the burden of perfectionism. It’s a reminder that you can experience setbacks without derailing your overall recovery journey.
  5. Patience and Perseverance: The concept of embracing the present moment is a reminder to practice patience and perseverance. Binge eating recovery is not a race but a lifelong commitment to your well-being. It encourages you to persist in the face of difficulties and take pride in the daily steps you take towards healing.

In essence, embracing the present moment while recognizing the transformative power of small changes is a cornerstone of binge eating recovery. It highlights that consistency, rather than perfection, is the key to progress. This approach nurtures self-reflection, builds self-efficacy, and reinforces your commitment to healing. It is a reminder to celebrate your successes, practice patience, and continue moving forward, one small step at a time.

05. You Are Deserving of Love

In the realm of binge eating recovery, it is imperative to internalize and fully embrace the notion that you are deserving of love. This point emphasizes the fundamental truth that your struggle with binge eating does not diminish your worth, and it advocates for self-compassion and self-love as vital components of your healing journey:

  1. Countering Self-Stigmatization: Individuals grappling with binge eating often find themselves trapped in a cycle of self-stigmatization. They may perceive themselves as weak, lacking self-control, or unworthy due to their eating behaviors. By accepting that you are deserving of love regardless of your struggles, you can begin to challenge these harmful self-perceptions. You acknowledge that experiencing binge eating does not define your identity or your value as a person.
  2. The Power of Self-Kindness: In recovery, self-kindness is a powerful force. Just as you would extend compassion to a dear friend facing challenges, it is equally crucial to offer the same kindness to yourself. Binge eating recovery can be arduous, and it is normal to experience setbacks along the way. Self-compassion allows you to respond to these setbacks with understanding rather than self-criticism.
  3. Valuing Self-Worth Beyond Eating Habits: Your self-worth extends far beyond your eating habits. By recognizing your deserving nature of love, you can begin to separate your identity from your relationship with food. You understand that your value as a person is not determined by the presence or absence of binge eating behaviors. This separation encourages you to build a more holistic and positive self-concept.
  4. Cultivating Resilience: Binge eating recovery requires resilience. It involves facing challenges, experiencing relapses, and continuing to progress despite setbacks. Knowing that you are deserving of love bolsters your resilience. It provides you with the emotional strength and motivation needed to persist on your recovery journey.

In summary, recognizing that you are deserving of love is a foundational truth in binge eating recovery. It encourages you to confront self-stigmatization, practice self-kindness, transform negative thought patterns, and break free from the cycle of shame. This perspective shifts your focus from past behaviors to ongoing recovery efforts, promoting emotional well-being and cultivating resilience. Ultimately, it allows you to navigate your recovery journey with self-acceptance and self-compassion, essential ingredients for lasting healing and transformation.

It’s easy to feel trapped in the cycle of food struggles, thinking there’s no way out. I understand the hopelessness and the belief that you’re inherently flawed. However, I assure you that you aren’t meant to remain stuck on a never-ending treadmill of diets. You’re meant to thrive and experience so much more. Embrace your journey towards freedom from binge eating, and remember that healing is possible.

Want more on binge eating? Keep reading

The Best Guided Journals To Start A Journaling Practice 

Just so you know, I do review everything I recommend. When you buy through links on this page, we may earn a commission.

“The Five-Minute Journal”

A widely acclaimed guided journal designed for daily gratitude and self-reflection. This journal prompts users to express gratitude, set positive intentions, and reflect on daily achievements, fostering a positive mindset.

“Start Where You Are: A Journal for Self-Exploration” by Meera Lee Patel

This beautifully illustrated guided journal encourages self-exploration through a series of thought-provoking prompts, creative exercises, and inspirational quotes. It’s a visually engaging journey of self-discovery.

“365 Days of Wonder: Mr. Browne’s Precepts” by R.J. Palacio

Inspired by the best-selling novel “Wonder,” this guided journal offers daily precepts, quotes, and prompts to encourage kindness, empathy, and reflection. It’s a heartwarming and insightful companion for personal growth.

“The Mindfulness Journal”

Geared towards promoting mindfulness and reducing stress, this journal includes daily prompts for meditation, gratitude, and reflections on the present moment. It’s an ideal tool for those seeking a more centered and mindful lifestyle.

“Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll

While not a traditional guided journal, Ryder Carroll’s method has gained immense popularity. The Bullet Journal is a customizable organizational system that combines to-do lists, calendars, and reflections, offering a flexible and personalized approach to journaling. Click here for a bullet journal. 

“The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal” by Julia Cameron

Based on Julia Cameron’s transformative book, “The Artist’s Way,” this journal encourages the practice of “morning pages” – three pages of longhand, stream-of-consciousness writing every morning. It’s a tool for unlocking creativity and overcoming creative blocks.

“52 Lists Project” by Moorea Seal

This guided journal provides a year’s worth of weekly list prompts designed to inspire self-reflection, gratitude, and personal growth. Each list is thoughtfully curated to explore different aspects of your life and goals.

“Calm the Chaos Journal”

Targeted at those seeking stress relief and emotional balance, this guided journal combines mindfulness exercises, prompts for self-reflection, and spaces for creative expression. It’s a holistic approach to calming the chaos in daily life.

“Q&A a Day: 5-Year Journal”

Perfect for those who prefer a long-term commitment, this journal offers a daily question for five years, allowing users to track their thoughts and experiences over time. It’s a unique way to witness personal growth and changing perspectives.

My other favorite guided journals

Ryann Nicole

Licensed Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, and Virtual Wellness Coach

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

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Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.