Mealtime Solutions: How to Decide What to Eat When Nothing Sounds Good

easy, satisfying meal ideas for when you don't know what to eat

Written By:


Ryann Nicole

You swing open the fridge door and find yourself staring at all those options. Your head starts spinning. “What should I make for a meal? What’s the right choice? What am I craving?” Before you know it, you’re so overwhelmed that you just close the door and leave the kitchen without any meal plans. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

This happens when you’ve been stuck in the same food routine for years, thinking that some foods are bad or off-limits. But don’t worry; we’ve got the perfect guide to help you answer the question, “What can I make for myself to eat?”

Step 1: Think About Temperature

Let’s start simple. Do you feel like having something hot, cold, neither, or a bit of both? This is a great way to begin narrowing down your meal options.

For example, if it’s a scorching day, a steaming bowl of soup might not be the best choice. Likewise, on a snowy day, a cold salad may not warm you up. Thinking about the temperature helps you find something satisfying.

Step 2: Consider Flavor

Now, let’s dive into flavors. Are you in the mood for something savory, sweet, salty, sour, or bitter? Figuring out the flavor profile narrows your choices down even more.

If you’re craving something savory, a protein bar may not hit the spot. On the other hand, if you’re yearning for sweetness, cheese and crackers might not do the trick. Thinking about flavors guides you closer to what you desire.

Step 3: Think About Texture

Surprisingly, texture matters. It plays a big role in how much you enjoy your food. Are you in the mood for something crunchy, smooth, or maybe something else? Texture influences your satisfaction level.

For instance, if you’re in the mood for crunch, yogurt might not be the best pick. But if you fancy something smooth, a banana might be more appealing.

Step 4: Determine How Hungry You Are

Are you pretty hungry and looking for a substantial meal, or just a bit peckish and in need of a snack to tide you over? This step is crucial in deciding what to eat.

If you’re really hungry and need a full meal, egg whites and fruit might not be enough. But if you’re not that hungry and just want a little something to keep you going, a heavy chicken curry dish might be too much.

Step 5: Consider How You Want to Feel After Eating

Now, think about how you want to feel after your meal. Try to look ahead. For example, if you’ve got a day full of meetings, a sugary treat might sound great at first, but you know it won’t leave you feeling full and nourished. This question helps you connect with your body’s needs.

Now, after considering all these factors, it’s time to brainstorm and create your meal or snack. Let’s practice with a few examples:

Example 1:

  • Temperature? > Hot
  • Flavor? > Sweet
  • Texture? > Creamy
  • Volume? > Substantial and Filling (hungry and looking for a meal)
  • Finished Feeling? > Full and Satisfied

What can I make for myself to eat? How about chicken curry with rice?

Example 2:

  • Temperature? > Neutral
  • Flavor? > A bit of everything
  • Texture? > Crunch
  • Volume? > Small (moderately hungry and looking for a snack)
  • Finished Feeling? > Energized and Satisfied

What can I make for myself to eat? What about popcorn mixed with trail mix?

Example 3:

  • Temperature? > Cold
  • Flavor? > A bit of everything
  • Texture? > Crunch
  • Volume? > Medium-Large (moderately hungry and looking for a meal)
  • Finished Feeling? > Nourished & Energized

What can I make for myself to eat? What about a salad with chicken, cucumber, quinoa, strawberries, almonds, feta, and balsamic dressing?

Choosing what to eat can be challenging, especially after years of listening to diet culture. But by asking yourself these questions, you can tune in to your body’s needs and pick food that feels just right.

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Ryann Nicole

Licensed Therapist, Certified Nutritionist, and Virtual Wellness Coach

Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

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Ryann is a licensed therapist and virtual wellness coach who has assisted individuals worldwide in establishing a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.